Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Science



This study was conducted to know the effect of licorice on physiological traits in mice
This include the concentration of enzymes for the group, which included both the (GOT) and (GPT) for
each of the liver, heart, kidney and spleen when given doses of the extract of different Licorice.
In this study white Swiss mice of 30 days old were used. the animals were divided into four groups (6
animals each group) and by the concentration in addition to the abstract where the control group was
given three different concentration of licorice extract (0.0002) g / day (0.0004) g / day (0.0006) g / day
for four weeks while the control group was saline solution. The animals were weighted and dissected ,
after then the (liver, heart, spleen and kidney) were estimated their enzymatic concentration of( GOT
and GPT) by spectrophotometer.The result of this study showed that there was a gradual increase in the
body weight with the increase of the dosages of the extract of the licorice.The results of this study
showed that there are on effective "non-moral" of the licorice extract on the enzyme GOT and GPT of
the liver at the level of probability (P> 0.05), but this was a moral influence "clear" each of the total
enzyme, heart and spleen and at the level of probability (P extract, compared with a control.

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