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The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty

Year 2020, Volume: 20, 61 - 78, 25.11.2020


The Ariobarzanid kings of Cappadocia belonged to a cadet branch of the Mithridatids of Pontus and the Ariarathids of Cappadocia, who merged their bloodlines in an undetermined moment previous to the reign of Ariarathes V. Therefore, these families descended from the ancient satraps of Dascylium, and in particular from a branch of this family installed in Cius which gave rise to the Pontic dynasty. This kinship explains some passages of Appian difficult to interpret. Henceforth, when the Romans settled Ariobarzanes I on the throne, they were supporting a family which was already well known to the Republic. Thus, the Ariobarzanids represented a continuity in the royal house of Cappadocia until it became extinct by the deposition of Ariarathes X. Arcobarzanes, grandson of the Numidian king Syphax, would have also been a member of this Pontic-Cappadocian lineage.

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  • L. Ballesteros Pastor, The reign of Pharnaces I: Persian Tradition and Hellenic Influence, in: C. Barat (ed.), Le Nord de l’Anatolie. Identités et térritoires de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Actes du Colloque internationale et pluridisciplinaire (Valenciennes 2011), Rennes.
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Ariobarzanes Hanedanlığı’nın Kökenleri

Year 2020, Volume: 20, 61 - 78, 25.11.2020


Kappadokia’nın Ariobarzanid kralları, V. Araiarathes Dönemi’nden önce bilinmeyen bir dönemde akrabalık bağları kuran Pontus Mithridates Hanedanlığı’nın ve Kappadokia Ariarathes Hanedanlığı’nın bir parçasıydılar. Bu nedenle, bu aileler kökenlerini Daskyleion’un antik satraplarından, özellikle Pontos Hanedanlığı’nın yükselmesini sağlayan ve Kios’a yerleştirilmiş olan bir ailenin kolundan almaktaydılar. Bu akrabalık Appianos’un yorumlaması zor bazı pasajlarını açıklamaktadır. Böylelikle, Romalılar Ariobarzanes’i tahta getirdiklerinde, Cumhuriyet tarafından zaten iyi bilinen bir aileyi desteklemiş oluyorlardı. Bu suretle Numidia kralı Syphaks’ın torunu olan Ariarathes X. Arcobarzanes’in görevden azliyle sona erene kadar, Kappadokia’nın kraliyet hanesinin devamı olarak görünen Arobarzanidler aynı zamanda Pontos-Kappadokia soyunun da bir üyesi olmaktadır.


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  • L. Ballesteros Pastor, Cappadocia and Pontus, Client Kingdoms of the Roman Republic. From the Peace of Apamea to the Beginning of the Mithridatic Wars (188-89 B.C.), in: A. Coşkun (ed.), Freundschaft und Gefolgschaft in den auswärtigen Beziehungen der Römer (2. Jhr. v. Chr. – 1 Jhr. n. Chr.), Frankfurt a. M. 2008, 45-63 (Inklusion/Exklusion. Studien zu Fremdheit und Armut von der Antike bis zum Gegenwart 9).
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  • L. Ballesteros Pastor, Pompeyo Trogo, Justino y Mitrídates. Comentario al Epítome de las Historias Filípicas (37.1.6-38.8.1), Hildesheim – Zürich - New York 2013 (Spudasmata 124).
  • L. Ballesteros Pastor, A Neglected Epithet of Mithridates Eupator (IDélos 1560), Epigraphica 76, 2014, 81-85.
  • L. Ballesteros Pastor, The Satrapy of Western Armenia in the Mithridatic Kingdom, in: V. Cojocaru - A. Rubel (edd.), Mobility in Research on the Black Sea Region, Cluj-Napoca 2016, 273-287 (Pontica et Mediterranea 6).
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  • L. Ballesteros Pastor, The reign of Pharnaces I: Persian Tradition and Hellenic Influence, in: C. Barat (ed.), Le Nord de l’Anatolie. Identités et térritoires de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Actes du Colloque internationale et pluridisciplinaire (Valenciennes 2011), Rennes.
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  • L. Breglia Pulci Doria, Diodoro e Ariarate V. Conflitti dinastici, tradizione e propaganda politica nella Cappadocia del II secolo a.C., PP 33, 1978, 104-129.
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  • T. C. Brennan, The Praetorship in the Roman Republic, Oxford 2000.
  • P. Briant, Histoire de l’Empire Perse. De Cyrus à Alexandre, Paris 1996.
  • L. Capdetrey, Le pouvoir séleucide. Territoire, administration, finances d’un royaume héllenistique (312-129 av. J.-C.), Rennes 2007.
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  • A. Coșkun, Philologische, genealogische und politische Überlegungen zu Ardys und Mithridates, zwei Söhnen des Antiochos Megas (Liv. 33,19,9), Latomus 75, 2016, 849-861.
  • M. A. Dandamayev, Encyclopaedia Iranica 2.4, 2011, s.v. Ariobarzanes 2,
  • F. de Callataÿ, L’Histoire des Guerres Mithridatiques vue par les monnaies, Louvain-la-Neuve 1997 (Numismatica Lovaniensia 18).
  • P. Debord, L’Asie Mineure au IVe siècle (412–323 a.C.). Pouvoirs et jeux politiques, Bordeaux 1999 (Études Ausonius 3).
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  • P. Desideri, Posidonio e la Guerra Mitridatica, Athenaeum 51, 1973, 3-29, 237-269.
  • S. Dmitriev, Cappadocian Dynastic Rearrangements on the Eve of the First Mithridatic War, Historia 55, 2006, 285-297.
  • D. Dueck, Strabo of Amasia. A Greek man of Letters in Augustan Rome, London – New York 2002.
  • D. B. Erciyas, Wealth, Aristocracy and Propaganda under the Hellenistic Kingdom of the Mithridatids in the Central Black Sea Region of Turkey, Leiden 2006 (Colloquia Pontica 12).
  • O. L. Gabelko, Some Problems of Hellenistic Cappadocia’s Dynastic History. The Royal House of the Ariarathids, Antichnyy mir iarkheologiya 13, 2009, 92-119 (in Russian, with English summary).
  • O. L. Gabelko, Bithynia and Cappadocia: Royal Courts and Ruling Society in the Minor Hellenistic Monarchies, in: A. Erskine (et al.) (edd.), The Hellenistic Court. Monarchic Power and Elite Society from Alexander to Cleopatra, Swansea 2017, 324-325.
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There are 100 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Luıs Ballesteros Pastor 0000-0003-1142-6050

Publication Date November 25, 2020
Submission Date May 22, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 20


APA Ballesteros Pastor, L. (2020). The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty. Gephyra, 20, 61-78.
AMA Ballesteros Pastor L. The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty. GEPHYRA. November 2020;20:61-78. doi:10.37095/gephyra.741464
Chicago Ballesteros Pastor, Luıs. “The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty”. Gephyra 20, November (November 2020): 61-78.
EndNote Ballesteros Pastor L (November 1, 2020) The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty. Gephyra 20 61–78.
IEEE L. Ballesteros Pastor, “The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty”, GEPHYRA, vol. 20, pp. 61–78, 2020, doi: 10.37095/gephyra.741464.
ISNAD Ballesteros Pastor, Luıs. “The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty”. Gephyra 20 (November 2020), 61-78.
JAMA Ballesteros Pastor L. The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty. GEPHYRA. 2020;20:61–78.
MLA Ballesteros Pastor, Luıs. “The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty”. Gephyra, vol. 20, 2020, pp. 61-78, doi:10.37095/gephyra.741464.
Vancouver Ballesteros Pastor L. The Origins of the Ariobarzanid Dynasty. GEPHYRA. 2020;20:61-78.