Rancangan Aplikasi Game Edukasi Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan App Inventor


  • yoyon efendi STMIK AMIK Riau



Kata Kunci:

games, education, mobile, app inventor2


Mobile technology has penetrated into the learning media in the form of games, one of which is an educational game. Educational games are designed to change the learning patterns of children, typically by seeing teachers writing on the floor and listening to speaking teachers. In the fox with the pattern of teaching using mobile gaming applications such as voice, images and interactive quizzes that can introduce teaching materials to be more interesting to be accepted and understood especially for children who are still at an early age. This method can spur the child's brain to be able to think more active and creative in the age of growth. This educational game is designed with an interesting and interactive view of fruits, animals, colors, numbers, letters and interactive quizzes. Quizzes are performed to evaluate the child's memory after the material is delivered. This app is designed by using App Inventor2 android app.


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Cara Mengutip

efendi, yoyon. (2018). Rancangan Aplikasi Game Edukasi Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan App Inventor. Journal Intra Tech, 2(1), 39–48. https://doi.org/10.37030/jit.v2i1.24