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The study is based on secondary data on lac production during the XI (2007-08 to 2011-12) and XII plans (2012-13 to 2016-17). Some econometric parameters, viz. Minimum, maximum, mean production, growth rate, percentage changes in mean during the XII plan over the XI plan period, and instability were rated. The state of Chhattisgarh, which contributed 30.21 per cent of national production during the XI plan period, decreased during the XII plan to 16.03%. During the XII plan, there is a 39.49 per cent reduction in the mean value. The negative growth rate recorded during the XI plan of 25.17 per cent decreased to 4.32 per cent during XII plan. The district-related percentage change in the mean from the XI to the XII plan showed that only the Bastar district recorded an increase of 39.18 per cent. The mean value decreased in the rest of the districts. Highest decline was recorded in Rajnandgaon (-72.23 %) followed by Raipur (-57.06%), Korba (-46.55%), Dhamtari (-41.97%), Bilaspur (-40.06%), Bastar (-39.18%), Durg (-34.05%), Kanker (-28.89 %), Janjgir- Champa (-22.44 %), Mahasamund (-17.61%), and Surguja district (-7.65%). In respect of instability in production during the XII plan, only Bastar and Janjgir districts recorded lower instability than states record of 14.85 per cent. Crop wise lac production data for different lac growing districts were also analyzed to assess major suffered districts during XI and XII plan periods in Chhattisgarh.


Butea monosperma Chhattisgarh state Lac Production Schleichera oleosa Shellac Ziziphus mauritiana

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How to Cite
Jaiswal, A. K., Kumar, A., & Babu, B. A. (2022). Growth trends of lac production during XII plan vis-a-vis XI plan period in Chhattisgarh, India. Environment Conservation Journal, 23(3), 335–342.


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