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Factors Associated with Caregiver Burden of Newly Diagnosed Dementia Patients: A Pilot Study
( Su Jeong Seong ) , ( In Hye Kim ) , ( Suhyeon Lim ) , ( Nuri Min ) , ( Myung Ju Lee ) , ( Jae Hyun Han ) , ( Soonhyun Kwon ) , ( Ka Hee Yoo ) , ( Hyun Jun Jo ) , ( Kee Jeong Park ) , ( Young Tak Jo ) , ( Joo Yun Song ) , ( Jae Yeon Hwang )
정신병리학 27권 2호 26-37(12pages)
DOI 10.36430/kjp.2023.27.2.004
UCI I410-ECN-151-24-02-089099707

Objectives: The burden on caregivers of dementia patients is a crucial factor in the quality of life and disease management for both the patient and the caregiver. However, research on caregiver burden at the time of initial dementia diagnosis is lacking. This study aims to investigate the factors related to caregiver burden in caregivers within three months of dementia diagnosis. Methods: A total of 85 caregivers, whose care recipients were aged 65 or older and had been diagnosed with dementia within the past three months, were surveyed. Caregivers whose care recipients were institutionalized were excluded from the study. The Caregiver Burden Inventory was used to measure caregiver burden. Socio-demographic factors of the patient and caregiver, clinical characteristics of the patient, caregiver's depressive symptoms, attitudes toward dementia, coping skills, and social support were examined. Results: Higher severity of dementia in the patient, female gender of the caregiver, cohabitation of caregiver and patient, and more severe depressive symptoms in the caregiver were significantly associated with higher caregiver burden. Additionally, caregivers using negative coping strategies, having negative attitudes toward dementia, and receiving less social support experienced higher caregiver burden. Multivariate regression analysis results showed that only caregiver's gender and depressive symptoms were significantly related to caregiver burden. Conclusions: Caregiver depressive symptoms at the time of initial dementia diagnosis were found to increase caregiver burden. It is essential to identify risk factors for caregiver burden from the early stages of diagnosis and implement interventions to reduce caregiver burden.

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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]