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Disinfection with vaporized hydrogen fluid in different environments and its applications and advantages in crisis management / Krista Rathammer, Lisa Winkelmayer, Alois Leidwein, Sarah Lindinger, Theres Requat, Hermann Schildorfer, Nikolaus Schmoll, Georg G. Duscher, Friedrich Bauer, Karl M. Hellemann, Philippe Jäger, Davul Ljuhar, Michael D. Mansfeld
AutorInnenRathammer, Christa ; Winkelmayer, Lisa ; Leidwein, Alois ; Lindinger, Sarah ; Requat, Theres ; Schildorfer, Hermann ; Schmoll, Nikolaus ; Duscher, Georg G. ; Bauer, Friedrich ; Hellemann, Karl M. ; Jäger, Philippe ; Ljuhar, Davul ; Mansfeld, Michael D.
Enthalten in
ErschienenLinz : Trauner Verlag, 2022
Umfang10 Seiten
VersionVersion of record
DokumenttypAufsatz in einem Sammelwerk
Schlagwörter (EN)Flexible disinfection / rapid laboratory disinfection / laboratory safety / crisis management / remote lab disinfection
 Das Werk ist gemäß den "Hinweisen für BenützerInnen" verfügbar

During a global pandemic, mitigating the impact of the disease and coordinating efforts to manage not only the medical but also the logistical and administrative aspects of such an all-encompassing phenomenon are of paramount importance. An extremely important but less publicised issue in this context is laboratory management and safety in analytical laboratories. In times of high capacity utilisation, as is the case during a pandemic or endemic outbreak of disease, other routine processes have to be abbreviated or are cancelled altogether due to lack of planning owing to the rapid emergence of the outbreak. In order to achieve high level of cleanliness in laboratories of all shapes and sizes and with different requirements, a universal solution seems unimaginable. Our experiments show a promising, automated approach of disinfection of various spaces. Within a short timeframe of 1 h – 3 h it is possible to disinfect any desired room to achieve a laboratory grade hygiene status. This was proven by employing biological indicators validated for this procedure. The tested technology reduced the indicator germs by a concentration of the mathematical log 6 reduction. Achieving this high level of cleanliness is possible by assigning a single person to the task for the set-up at the scene. Steering and monitoring of the process can be done remotely. While the machine used in our experiments is not a completely new concept, our experiments in a real-life setting such as laboratories and clinics alike, show that the applied hydrogen peroxide vapour distributed by a specialized fogger, disinfects even hard to reach spots within closed-off spaces. This program can be performed while automated (PCR) machines are running and highly trained personnel can apply their expertise elsewhere. Moreover, while the program is running real-time data is available and the process can be remotely monitored and steered digitally. It is of major concern to ensure maintainability of infrastructure e.g. COVID labs, ambulances, laboratories or veterinary practitioners to ensure treatment of directly and indirectly related health issues within a crisis. We concentrated on evaluating the usability of the disinfection technology presented in real-life settings.

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