Instructional Revolutions in English Language Pedagogical Process


  • C. Subbulakshmi Assistant Professor, Women’s Studies Centre, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai



Instructional Revolutions, English Language Pedagogical Process


One of the languages that have had the biggest impact on globalization and the explosion of knowledge is English. In the natural world, it is the most commonly used kind of communication. Using technology has become essential to learning a language, both inside and outside of the classroom. Almost all language classes use some sort of technology. The use of technology has helped and enhanced language acquisition. ICTs have a lot to offer teachers and students in language classrooms. Teachers must fulfill the roles of educator and facilitator while students improve their vocabulary, reading, and speaking skills. The use of Internet communication technology (ICT) in English language pedagogy is a relatively recent tradition in India. Technology gives teachers the ability to modify lessons, which improves language acquisition. Technology continues to gain relevance as a tool to assist teachers in facilitating language learning for their students. This study examines the usage of modern technologies in relation to teaching and learning English as a second or foreign language. Using technology, English language learners can improve their learning abilities.


