Effect of ripening stage on postharvest quality of abiu (Pouteria caimito) fruit during storage
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 056, Issue 3, May 2022- June 2022, Pages 441-454
ISSN: 2452-316X(0075-5192)
DOI: doi.org/10.34044/j.anres.2022.56.3.01
Abdullah Bin Arifa, Slamet Susantob,*, Siti Mariana Widayantic, Deden Derajat Matrab
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aStudy Program of Agronomy and Horticulture, Graduate School of IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Jl. Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
bDepartment of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Jl. Meranti Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
cIndonesian Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Jl. Tentara Pelajar No.12, Kampus Penelitian Pertanian Cimanggu, Bogor, 16114, Indonesia
*Corresponding author, e-mail: slmtsanto@gmail.com
Importance of the work: Abiu has many beneficial nutrients for the human body. However, the information is still limited on abiu fruit-related to physiological changes and fruit quality. The maturity stage at harvest is a critical factor that determines postharvest fruit quality throughout storage. Objectives: To evaluate postharvest quality changes and determine better harvest maturity for good quality with a more extended storage period in abiu fruit. Materials & Methods: Abiu fruit samples were harvested at both half-ripe and fully-ripe maturity stages and stored at ambient temperature (28 ± 1°C) for 12 d. The respiration pattern and physiological parameters were observed during the study. Results: There was a significant effect between the maturity stages at harvest on fruit quality parameters in abiu fruit during storage. The respiration patterns of the abiu fruit followed the respiration patterns of climacteric fruit. The climacteric peak occurred on day 6 and day 8 for fully-ripe and half-ripe fruit, respectively. The pulp browning index of the harvested fully-ripe abiu fruit was 2-fold higher than for the half-ripe fruit. Fully-ripe harvested abiu fruit had a sweet taste, bright yellow color, shelf life of 6 d and turned brown quickly. However, the abiu fruit harvested when half ripe had a moderately sweet taste, yellow color, shelf life of 9–10 d and turned brown slowly. Main finding: Considering the results of major postharvest quality parameters mentioned above, the abiu fruit harvested when half-ripe presented a better harvest maturity stage with good quality and longer shelf life.
Browning, Physiology, Ripe, Shelf life
Copyright 2020 Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute