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№ 3/2019

№ 3/2019

Nauk. pr. NDFI 2019 (3): 149–159


TSIUKALO Liudmyla 1

1The Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6870-4683

Features of the financial mechanism of social support for the Ukrainian army personnel

The transition of the armed forces to the professional basis of manning at present, leads to the formation of a qualitatively new approach in determining the priority areas of social security for the personnel of the army and persons dismissed from military service. Accordingly, the implementation of these tasks is not possible without the construction of an adequate financial mechanism. The current financial mechanism does not fully allow the task of reforming the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The article reveals the content of the financial mechanism of social security for military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and identifies the main components of this mechanism for its implementation. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation and functioning of the financial mechanism of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a whole, in particular, modern approaches to the determination of its constituent elements are investigated. It has been established that today the current financial mechanism of the Armed Forces does not fully allow implementing the reform tasks in the defense department, based on the principles of the leading NATO countries. The development of the Armed Forces of a new standard is impossible without improving the financial support of their social sphere, which significantly affects the combat effectiveness of the troops. Measures are proposed to overcome the problems associated with the social security of military personnel.

Keywords:financial mechanism, social support, financial support, service personnel, Armed Forces of Ukraine

JEL: H53, I38

Tsiukalo L. . Features of the financial mechanism of social support for the Ukrainian army personnel / L. Tsiukalo // Наукові праці НДФІ. - 2019. - № 3. - C. 149-159.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 149 - 159) DownloadDownloads :37
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