Analysis of the fleet of military vehicles that will need to be restored by rolling stock maintenance and repair

Keywords: military vehicles, mobile maintenance and repair, restoration, maintenance and repair


The article analyzes the fleet of military vehicles of the military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is in service with military units (divisions) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and which will require maintenance and repair by mobile means of maintenance and repair in the field during hostilities. An analysis of military vehicles shows that most of the latest models in service in the military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are under warranty from a manufacturer that is nearing completion or has already been completed. According to the results of the analysis, it is established that most models of automotive equipment are equipped with the latest basic chassis of foreign manufacturers, diesel engines of ecological class Euro IV, modern supply systems, electrical equipment and control and measuring devices of the new generation. At the same time, the analysis of the main malfunctions of the latest models of military vehicles showed that the samples of military vehicles mainly failed due to low quality of individual parts and components, unsatisfactory condition of raw materials or technological process violations and so on. In addition, taking into account the need for maintenance and repair of military vehicles, inconsistencies in the capabilities of existing weapons of recovery have been identified. It is determined that the basis for the formation of mobile means of maintenance and repair, taking into account the tasks assigned to the repair and restoration units should be three main principles: basic, which is to develop a unified basic platform; mobile, which consists in providing the possibility of transportation by different modes of transport; block-modular, which consists in the acquisition of modern diagnostic tools and special equipment to perform specific tasks for maintenance and repair of military vehicles at different levels of the hierarchy.


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How to Cite
Dachkovsky , V., & Kondratiuk , I. (2020). Analysis of the fleet of military vehicles that will need to be restored by rolling stock maintenance and repair. Social Development and Security, 10(6), 216-228.