Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №1 (65)
Section:Economic theory
UDK:330.01; 159.9
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Unomics and existentials of economic personality in the light of post-classical economic science
Authors:Zadorozhniy G. V., Kharkiv National University name of V. N. Karazin,
Homin O. V., Kharkiv National University name of V. N. Karazin
Annotation:A way out of the deepening global crisis is possible through a fundamental change in the methodology for comprehension of holistic reality. Traditional mechanics-materialistic science apparently forget about the whole person, his deep humanity, his spirituality. Nowadays, a new personal methodology is being developed on the basis of recognizing the three-dimensional nature - the spiritual, biological and social nature of man, a representative of a special conscious natural kind, whose specifics is determined by humanity which makes the base for the freedom-responsibility of personal benevolent creativity. The three-dimensional nature of a man and his humanity are reflected in unom as the initial deep-seated code of human life-unfolding — a potential universal quality of the life process of unfolding a personality that reaches their highest form in every act of a personality when their self-realization acquires the personal quality of freedom-responsibility. Unomics is a new fateful science of humanity, which aims to explore and substantiate the benevolent format of the life activity of the individual-microcosm act on the basis of the understanding-deployment of the syncretic dimension of the value-semantic Universe (macrocosm). The comprehension of the unom, which includes the unom and the memon, is aimed at setting the goalrationality (logical-rational-quantitative) of transformations of the economy of human meaning-senses, which make it possible to investigate the deep spiritual-semantic unity of the separate operating entities. The doctrine of the unom of humanity requires a spiritually experienced, existential foundation of human knowledge, which asserts the supremacy of the individual. In this regard, the primary role in the comprehension of the personality unom is played by the problem of studying its existentialists which define the meanings of life — economic creativity that is productive for humanity. V. Frankl substantiated three main existentials of human existence: spirituality, freedom and responsibility. Lack of their understanding and deployment in practical economic activity leads to an impossibility of understanding the nature of a human being. In the new trialectic format, understanding of the problem of freedom and responsibility has allowed to deepen up to an understanding of the “freedom-responsibility” existential. Love is defined as the third existential of a being human in the world. 
Keywords:Personality, Humanity, Unom, Unomics, Trialectic, Existential, Spirituality, Freedomresponsibility, Love, Deed, Creativity
File of the article:EV20191_009-024.pdf
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