Pengaruh Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Toyota Auto2000 Karawang

Tita Andarayani, Dene Herwanto, Wahyudin Wahyudin


The growth of the automotive market in sales is influenced by several factors, including service. Everyone enjoys good service, which is friendly, polite, and meticulous. When we feel satisfaction and pleasure within us, we tend to feel loyalty to it. The value of the company is related to how well the services it provides. Toyota Auto2000 achieved an achievement as the best dealer in Indonesia and Auto2000 Karawang achieved an achievement as one of the best branches of Auto2000. The researchers found that the services provided by Toyota Auto2000 Karawang were excellent. The researchers wanted to see if there was a relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, which made Toyota Auto2000 Karawang the best branch. The study used interview methods to collect data from customers during follow-up, and used linear regression analysis to identify which factors were associated with customer satisfaction. This research found that the quality of service has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction at Toyota Auto2000 Karawang. It is stated from the results of the t-regression test that t-count is greater than t-table (9.852 > 2.04227).


Customer; Customer Loyalty; Customer Satisfaction; Customer Service; Service Quality

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