Opera Historica 2021, 22(1):71-86 | DOI: 10.32725/oph.2021.004641

Hungarian Consequences of the Toleration Missions to Bohemia and Moravia around 1800

János Ugrai
Tokaj-Hegyalja University of Applied Sciences, Comenius Institute, Eötvös u. 7, Sárospatak

The help provided by Hungarian fellow believers played a crucial role in the revival of Protestantism in Bohemia and Moravia after the Edict of Toleration of  1781. Two thirds of the approximately 70 reorganized Reformed congregations had Hungarian pastors from Hungary. Most of them had been sent by the Reformed Church District of Tiszáninnen, which convinced almost 40 young preachers to participate in the „Bohemian mission.“ Whereas the missionary work of the pastors in Bohemia and Moravia has been amply researched, the impact of their missions on Hungary has been largely neglected. Their mission was, however, a relationship with two ends. In this article I seek to close this gap on the basis of recently collected data on students from the Bohemian lands at the Reformed College of Sárospatak and the documents on the repatriation of the Toleration Preachers and their widows who returned back to Hungary.

Keywords: Czech History; Hungarian History; Protestantism; Toleration Preachers; Reformed College of Sárospatak; repatriation

Published: September 1, 2021  Show citation

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Ugrai, J. (2021). Hungarian Consequences of the Toleration Missions to Bohemia and Moravia around 1800. Opera Historica22(1), 71-86. doi: 10.32725/oph.2021.004
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