Ebeye Diabetic Health Improvement

  • Ravi Reddy University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
  • Richard Trinidad Ebeye Public Health Center
  • Johannes Seremai Ebeye Public Health Center
  • Joaquin Nasa Ebeye Public Health Center


Objectives – Translation and implementation of a diabetes mellitus type 2 educational curriculum in Ebeye, an island within the Republic of Marshall Islands, and a preliminary evaluation of improvements in health outcomes. Methods – Ebeye Public Health Clinic Health Educators held a series of hourly diabetes mellitus type 2 educational sessions with 17 Marshallese participants, based on a curriculum previously used with a group of Marshallese diabetics in Hawaii, focusing on diet, exercise, medications, and insulin administration. Baseline and six month data was collected on surrogate markers of health status. Results – After 6 months, statistically significant improvements were seen in the percentage of participants with blood pressure < 130/80 mmHg and weight loss of at least 10 pounds since their last visit. Minor trends toward improvement were observed in participation with; statin treatment, self monitoring of blood glucose goals set, and nutritional counseling. Discussion – Some markers of diabetic health improvement were observed in this preliminary translational study, and similar studies in other Pacific areas are being planned.
How to Cite
Reddy, R., Trinidad, R., Seremai, J., & Nasa, J. (2009). Ebeye Diabetic Health Improvement. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 7(SI), 125-130. https://doi.org/10.32398/cjhp.v7iSI.2006