Preprint/Report PUBDB-2018-01260
GAMBIT: The Global and Modular Beyond-the-Standard-Model Inference Tool

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Report No.: CERN-TH-2017-166; COEPP-MN-17-6; DESY-17-236; NORDITA-2017-074; arXiv:1705.07908

Abstract: We describe the open-source global fitting package GAMBIT: the Global And Modular Beyond-the-Standard-Model Inference Tool. GAMBIT combines extensive calculations of observables and likelihoods in particle and astroparticle physics with a hierarchical model database, advanced tools for automatically building analyses of essentially any model, a flexible and powerful system for interfacing to external codes, a suite of different statistical methods and parameter scanning algorithms, and a host of other utilities designed to make scans faster, safer and more easily-extendible than in the past. Here we give a detailed description of the framework, its design and motivation, and the current models and other specific components presently implemented in GAMBIT. Accompanying papers deal with individual modules and present first GAMBIT results. GAMBIT can be downloaded from .

Keyword(s): parameter space ; data management ; statistical analysis ; numerical calculations ; new physics ; programming


Contributing Institute(s):
  1. Theorie-Gruppe (T)
Research Program(s):
  1. 611 - Fundamental Particles and Forces (POF3-611) (POF3-611)
  2. NewAve - New avenues towards solving the dark matter puzzle (638528) (638528)
  1. No specific instrument

Database coverage:
Medline ; SCOAP3 OpenAccess ; OpenAccess ; Current Contents - Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences ; Ebsco Academic Search ; IF < 5 ; JCR ; NationallizenzNationallizenz ; Published ; SCOPUS ; Science Citation Index ; Science Citation Index Expanded ; Thomson Reuters Master Journal List ; Web of Science Core Collection
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GAMBIT: the global and modular beyond-the-standard-model inference tool
The European physical journal / C 77(11), 784 () [10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-5321-8]  GO OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files  Download fulltextFulltext by BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

 Record created 2018-02-20, last modified 2021-11-10

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