Didactic interaction through comics in the generation of resources Interación didáctica mediante comics en la generación de recursos

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Jaime Espinosa Izquierdo


When talking about history, we talk about the events experienced by the heroes, historical figures who gave their lives to free the compatriots. There is no doubt about everything that surrounds us without anything escaping us, but we never look at how this knowledge has been imparted to us what was, is and will be the methodology of that subject; considering that History belongs to Social Studies, and this is one of the main sciences because if it had not existed, where do you think it would have been possible to capture so many majestys that have occurred throughout the history of our existence and be able to know now we. Basic education students must be instilled to promote values and confront society, seeking equal conditions.


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Cómo citar
Espinosa Izquierdo, J. (2019). Didactic interaction through comics in the generation of resources: Interación didáctica mediante comics en la generación de recursos. Centro Sur, 3(1), 67–81. https://doi.org/10.37955/cs.v3i1.26


J. Espinisa (2019) Didactic interaction through comics in the generation of resources. Centrosur, 3 (2), 67-81