Pathogenesis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Therapeutic Targets

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Abstract—The review summarizes current literature information on the mechanisms of pathogenesis of severe stress-induced disease – post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Hormonal, biochemical, genetic and morphofunctional changes in peripheral organs and in the central nervous system occurring in PTSD are characterized. It turned out that most researchers have formed an opinion about the leading role of chronic inflammation in PTSD. The data on the study of the action of anti-inflammatory drugs with a narrow biochemical orientation are presented. The review concludes with the presentation of the hypothesis that the pathogenesis of PTSD should be considered as an integrative inflammatory process of peripheral and central systems. The therapeutic agent in this case, most likely, should be a multifunctional drug. Judging by the results of the authors' experiments, it is most likely to be drugs of the pharmacological group of heparins.

About the authors

M. S. Lapshin

South Ural State University

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 445080, Chelyabinsk

M. V. Kondashevskaya

Avtsyn Research Institute of Human Morphology of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
“Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery”

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 117418, Moscow

V. V. Epishev

South Ural State University

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 445080, Chelyabinsk

N. A. Patochkina

South Ural State University

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 445080, Chelyabinsk


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