Universality of volatile corrosion inhibitors applied requirements of agricultural production

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Aqualitative and quantitative system of criteria for evaluating the universality of volatile metal corrosion inhibitors (VCIs) applied to agricultural production conditions was developed. The system of qualitative criteria for universalism includes: 1- an assessment of the effectiveness of corrosion inhibition of metals under the conditions of the action of corrosion-specific stimulants present in the vapor- gas phase separately or together; 2 - suppression of various types of local corrosion caused by them in the composition of a corrosive medium; 3 - suppression in specific conditions of general and local corrosion of contacting metallic structural materials of various nature; 4 - observance of acceptable specific characteristics of VCI: ecological, class-related hazards, influence on chemical oxygen consumption (COC) and biochemical oxygen demand for the biodegradation of substances by microorganisms (BOD5). The system of quantitative criteria for universalism of the VCIs includes quantitative parameters for all the proposed qualitative items. A simplified assessment, taking into account only a part of the criteria for characterizing partially universal inhibitors, is proposed to be applied to the conditions of agricultural production. The experimental data for the volatile inhibitor IFKhAN-114 are given as an example of the effectiveness of the proposed criteria. It was shown that IFKhAN-114 is a partially universal inhi-bitor.

About the authors

V. I. Vigdorovich

All-Russia research institute on use of technics and mineral oil of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Tambov State Technical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: vits21@mail.ru

доктор химических наук

Russian Federation, 28, Novo-Rubegniy per., Tambov. 392022; 106, Sovetskya street, Tambov, 392000

L. E. Tsygankova

Derzhavin Tambov State University

Email: vits21@mail.ru

доктор химических наук

Russian Federation, 33, Internatcionalnaya street, Tambov, 392000

L. G. Knyazeva

All-Russia research institute on use of technics and mineral oil of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Email: vits21@mail.ru

доктор химических наук

Russian Federation, 28, Novo-Rubegniy per., Tambov. 392022


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