
Local courts in early modern countries were important state organs that played a critical role in governing society. The design of the framework of state-court-society reflects a state’s political and ideological attitudes toward society. Moreover, the structure and function of local courts demonstrates the degree to which the state intends to deliver justice within a society. The question of how far state institutions systematically reach into social affairs helps us understand the state in terms of the implementation of social justice. As a first step to exploring and comparing local court practices in early modern Asia, this study focuses on the cultures of civil case settlements in local courts in early modern Mongolia, Japan, and China. There was a division between what we now call “civil cases” and “criminal cases” in these societies. Civil cases are more important than criminal cases for us when assessing state-society relations, as they more evidently reflected the interaction between state institutions and the local society. Based on case records from early modern local courts, this paper traces the legal culture of civil case settlements in local courts in the three countries using three different models based upon their respective salient feature: the “utilitarian justice” model (Mongolia), the “well-organized” model (Japan), and the “bureaucratic management” model (China). A close comparison shows that the three countries exhibited similarities regarding the practice of civil case settlements, that is, the number of civil case records from the local courts was smaller than that of criminal cases. This suggests that civil cases were encouraged to settle by not resorting to local courts. However, this did not mean that local courts left civil cases without any institutional arrangement for civil society. The local courts discussed in this paper demonstrate that they often resorted to their local agents to settle civil cases in the countryside, although in different ways. The author argues that these different models of court culture can be attributed to the respective state apparatus of each country.


Legal Culture, Civil Case, Local Court, Early Modern Period, Northeast Asia


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