Socioeconomic and demographic scenario of Brazil, India and Australia


  • Áurea Machado de Aragão Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
  • Antônio Martins de Oliveira Júnior Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil



population, health expenditure, gross domestic product, economically active population, patents


This work presents a study on the social, economic and demographic aspects of Brazil, India and Australia. For this study, a socioeconomic and demographic survey was carried out, analysing Brazil, India and Australia, aimed at comparing the current scenario of these three countries. For the qualitative and quantitative analysis, data mining on the World Bank, IndexMundi, CountryEconomy, Trading Economics and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) databases was performed, having subsequently drawn graphs that summarise the textual information found. With the results, among other conclusions, it was observed that Indian women are not highly present in the job market, with Brazil and Australia having an analogous rate of working women. Furthermore, a similarity was found between the rates of articles published in scientific journals in both Brazil and Australia. Regarding per capita spending on health, it could be noted that the rate in Australia is 10 times higher than in Brazil, while this rate is 20 times lower in India when compared to Brazil. It was also concluded that, although India has 60% more requests for resident and non-resident patent applications, the revenue from intellectual property in this country is 36% lower than the one in Australia and 19% lower than in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

  • Áurea Machado de Aragão, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil

    Program of Postgraduate in Intellectual Property Science

  • Antônio Martins de Oliveira Júnior, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil

    Program of Postgraduate in Intellectual Property Science


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How to Cite

Aragão, Áurea M. de, & Oliveira Júnior, A. M. de. (2019). Socioeconomic and demographic scenario of Brazil, India and Australia. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(9), 193-202.