Understand the Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation

Roots and future





Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Conversion


After the Wars, it was necessary the companies reinvented their process and for this to create a new perspective including products and services. In 1986, Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi received a challenge to describe product development in Japan companies. The result was “The new new product development game”. After that, Nonaka and Takeuchi wrote about their observations in this process and published many articles, presenting in 1994 the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation. In this context, the aim of this study is to review the Nonaka and Takeuchi documents, building a timeline and understand the concepts and the future for the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation. Firstly, we search the articles from Nonaka in the Scopus database. Secondly, we started reading the article “Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation” published in 1994 for Nonaka. Based on their references we returned for the search results and read the articles. Next, we read the articles published after 1994 and comprehending their link with the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation. Although the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation is recognized and diffused in the academy and in the organizations that study or implant the Knowledge Management, it is noticed that few authors deepen the knowledge to understand the fundamentals of the theory or, of fundamental reasoning. It is evident the concern of Nonaka and his co-authors to seek facilitators for the modes of knowledge conversion, to facilitate the practical application of the modes of knowledge conversion.


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How to Cite

Koehler, F., Caetano Bastos, L., & Cid Bastos, R. (2019). Understand the Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation: Roots and future. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(9), 124-141. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol7.iss9.1715