Do traditional food cultures play a role in COVID-19 for health and immunity?

A summary of the findings of the IUFoST Scientific Roundtable on Food Culture and Traditional Foods on April 29, 2021

  • Fereidoon Shahidi
Keywords: COVID-19, traditional food cultures, health and immunity, IUFoSTMeeting


The goal of this contribution is to provide a summary report on the Scientific Roundtable of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) about the role of traditional food cultures on health promotion and immunity in the COVID-19 pandemic era.  The role of food bioactive ingredients and effects on food safety and security as well as sustainability were discussed by the panel members and recommendations were made to take advantage of the historical evidence for providing scientific basis for the efficacy of the ingredients and their globalization.


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How to Cite
Shahidi, F. (2021). Do traditional food cultures play a role in COVID-19 for health and immunity? . Journal of Food Bioactives, 14.
Meeting Report