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Salihova O. Vysokotehnologichna ekonomika. Uroky Kytaju. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2020. № 3. S. 27-49.


UDC 338.45.071.2(510)
DSc (Economics), the leading researcher of Economic Development Modeling and Forecasting Department,
State Organization "Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
26, Panasa Myrnoho str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
ORCID: 0000-0002-7669-6601


Background. China in 2006 has embarked on a new path of high-tech industry development that is in line with today’s ambitions and the realities of tomorrow and put a great attention and focus on endogenous innovation. The current philosophy of China industrial policy is based on the idea that the revival of industry must be through the megaprojects implementation, which are vehicles for an import substitution and creating Chinese indigenous innovations through the "co-innovation", "re-innovation" of foreign technologies and encouraging domestic high-tech companies.
Analysis of recent researches and publications revealed that, despite the high level of existing theoretical developments, the state’s role in in the formation and implementing the policy of transforming the Chinese industry (previously dominated by low value-added industries) into a high-tech sectors of the economy and a powerful player in the global market was still under-researched. The problems of the provision of the state aid for technological innovation in the interests of high-tech industry require further study.
The aim of the article is to explore the Chinese experience on policy changes and new approaches to the formulation and implementation of high-tech industrial development as a strategic priority; the analysis of programs through which the state encourages the private sector to invest in research and innovation in industry; mechanisms for providing preferences to certified high-tech enterprises, preferences for manufacturers of "domestic goods" in public procurement. The prerequisites for the success of the development of endogenous innovative products and the formation of national "technological champions" are substantiated, the role of the state in this process is shown.
Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis for writing the article was the works of domestic and foreign scholars on the process of formation and implementation of industrial policy on innovative grounds, legislative and regulatory documents of China countries. The research was conducted using the methods of theo­retical generalization, comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis, which made it possible to characterize the process of selecting priorities of industrial development, to identify the factors that affect its dynamics.
Results. The Government of China have commits resources and set in place inte­grated mechanisms to advance research and development, training, infrastructure and investment incentives; is pursuing a policy to the implementation of public procurement for local industry development and endogenous innovative products. The Government of China has been actively supporting a clear mandate: strengthen the technological potential of production and increase the level of localization in the country through the development of high-tech component base; the development of new zones of development of high-tech industries; maximizing the use of digital technology integrate big data, cloud computing, other cutting-edge technologies in manufacturing capabilities and transform manufacturing, supply and value chains.
Conclusion. China has effective decision-making vertical on the implementation of inno­vation-industrial policy mechanisms, identify strategic priorities and evaluate the necessary funding, to introduce state support programs, introduce instruments to stimulate domestic demand for domestic goods providers through the public procurement system for the develop­ment of high-tech industry. The experience of China has shown that long-term targeted government actions has a positive impact on technologies performance, providing added value growth, labor productivity and exports, accelerating economic development and increasing the world leadership.
Keywords: high-tech industry, technologies, innovations, talents, state aid, indus­trial policy.


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