The vessel movement optimisation with excessive control


  • S. Zinchenko
  • A. Ben
  • P. Nosov
  • I. Popovych
  • V. Mateichuk
  • O. Grosheva



excessive control, sufficient control, optimal control, distribution of control, control quality criterion, minimization of fuel consumption


The article discusses the issues of automatic control of the vessel’s movement using excessive control, which allows to organize the movement of the vessel without a drift angle, to reduce the hydrodynamic resistance and fuel consumption. Issues of reducing energy consumption and fuel economy on board, as well as related issues of reducing emissions and improving the environment are especially relevant at the present time. A brief review of literature devoted to improving the energy efficiency of ships was carried out. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the issues of improving energy efficiency are solved in various ways, for example, constructively, by reducing weight, hydrodynamic and aerodynamic drag of the hull, using a sail, creating more advanced power plants, however, the authors have not found methods and algorithms for reducing hydrodynamic drag and fuel consumption through the use of excessive control. It is concluded that the development of such systems is relevant. Mathematical, algorithmic, and software have been developed for an onboard controller simulator of a vessel’s motion control system with excessive control, the operability and efficiency of which has been verified by numerical simulation in a closed circuit with a mathematical model of the control object for various types of vessels, navigation areas and weather conditions. The experiments have confirmed the efficiency and effectiveness of the developed method, algorithmic and software, and allow us to recommend them for practical use in the development of mathematical support for vessel control systems with excessive control.

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