Survei Minat dan Kebutuhan Terhadap TV Berlangganan Di Jakarta

Ervan Ismail


This survey  research is expected to describe the Pay TV indt!Stry, its custom­ er profile in Jakarta in the form of audience segmentation and the programs required and enthused by viewers. The research method was sun.'ey zeith sam­ ple of 2000 television owners  as respondents. The sanzpli11g  method in this

esearch was Multistage Random Sampling from 5 (jive) out of6 OK/ Jakarta province area, excluding Thousand Islands Regency. Data collecting technique used was interview. There were only 228 respondents from 2000 samples wlztl subscribed Pa y TV The research result described the telei>isioll I'ieteer profile i11

Jakarta through segmentation  based on age, gender alld social en,nomytatu . An interesting  finding was the capability of Pay TV companies· marketing 11s factors to acquire more subscribers with a total percentage of 32.5%.  Tile most

interesting  program category depends on Pay TV subscriber is entertainment.

Motion western pictures became the most favorite program, follo<eed by other countries' animation or cartoon category. Pay TV category in jakarta is domi­ llated by Satellite Pay TV.

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]urnal Communicate Volume 2 No.1 fuli 2016

Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia Nomor 28 Tahun 2008 tentang Tata Cara dan Persyaratan Perizinan Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran.

Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informa tika Re­ publik Indonesia Nomor 41 Tahun 2012 ten­ tang Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran Lembaga Penyiaran Berlangganan melalui satelit, kabel, dan terestrial.


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