Spatial constraints analysis in environmental impact assessment of oil and gas production


  • D. Diadin O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • O. Senko O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv



oil and gas production, environmental impact assessment, environmental spatial constraints, sanitary protection zone, shoreline belt, buffer zone, sanitary protection zone of water wells, protected areas


The paper studies the main types of environmental spatial constraints of the oil and gas production which should be taken into consideration in the environmental impact assessment. The normative and regulatory framework of spatial constraints in the oil and gas production areas has been analyzed, in particular, the sanitary protection zones of production facilities, sanitary protection zones of water supply intakes, protected shoreline belts of water streams and reservoirs, and nature reserve fund areas.

The authors have shown the need to single out the natural landscape areas within the areas with spatial constraints – forests, ravine forests, steppe vegetation on the slopes and at the bottoms of washes, flood meadows, wetlands, and forest belts – in view of their significance in terms of providing ecosystem services and sustaining biodiversity.

Using the geoinformational technologies, in particular, the geospatial analysis tools, and Svyrydivske gas-condensate field as an example, the authors have delineated the territories with spatial constraints according to the analyzed types, assessed their areas and spatial distribution. Based on the analysis results, the largest territory – 28% of the production field – is occupied by the areas with natural vegetation (forests, steppe vegetation in washes and wetlands), and the smallest territory (2%) – by the protected shoreline belts of water streams. The nature reserve fund areas take 5% of the field area. The total area of the territories with spatial constraints of the oil and gas production within Svyrydivske gas- condensate field is 87 km2, which makes up 70% of the total field area.

The approaches to defining and analyzing the environmental spatial constraints, used in the study, are recommended to be used in the environmental impact assessment of the oil and gas production.


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How to Cite

Diadin, D., & Senko, O. (2020). Spatial constraints analysis in environmental impact assessment of oil and gas production. Ecological Safety and Balanced Use of Resources, (2(20), 50–61.



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