Online ISSN : 1881-817X
Print ISSN : 1348-0685
ISSN-L : 1348-0685
尾方 壮行市川 真帆堤 仁美有賀 隆男堀 賢田辺 新一
ジャーナル フリー

2018 年 83 巻 743 号 p. 57-64


 The globalization of people and things results in the short average distance of the networks and emerging infectious disease can spread immediately after the development in this world. Thus, preventive infection control measures are important. The infection risk should be evaluated to adopt effective infection control measures. In this study, the cough machine that can generate human-like cough to evaluate the infection risk in indoor environments were developed to evaluate infection risk. The cough expired volume, travel distance, velocity, total mass of droplets, and particle size distribution of the droplets of the cough machine were compared with the subject experimental data. The deposition of droplet on facial mucous membranes, such like eyes and a mouth, at various distances and horizontal surfaces at different heights were measured using the cough machine and thermal manikin. It was shown that the number of droplet deposited on the position of facial mucous membranes decrease drastically over 90 cm when the infected person and susceptible person faced each other. On horizontal surfaces, the droplet deposited most at 50-60 cm and more than 90% of the droplet deposited within 90 cm. The number of droplet deposited on the surface under 50%RH condition was larger than that under 30%RH condition. The effect of relative humidity was larger on the near surface because the propagation time is shorter than it takes to deposit on the distant far-surface. We provide experimental evidence to evaluate droplet and contact infection risk that enable to address a question of the relative importance of each infection route.

© 2018 日本建築学会
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