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A successful rice production on swampland would require a planting material from high yielding varieties adaptated  to the swampy ecosystem. This study was carried out to compare the growth and yield characteristics of five rice lines and a check variety as grown on non-tidal swampland. The lines were F4 generation of bulk selection from the crosses involving Bengkulu swamp rice landraces (Hanafi Putih, Tigo-tigo, Harum Curup, and Lubuk Durian) and high yielding varieties for the irrigated field (Sidenuk and Bestari). The trial was conducted on a shallow non-tidal swampland with stagnant inundation no more than 50 cm in depth often occurred during the plant life cycle.  The lines and the check variety (Inpara 4) were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Observations were made for the agronomic performances of the plant, including plant height, total tiller number clump-1, effective tiller number clump-1, heading date, maturity date, panicle length, grain number panicle-1, 100-grain weight, and grain yield clump-1. Significant variation among the genotypes was found for all observed traits. On average, the evaluated lines showed comparable growth and yield performances to the check variety.  Tigo-tigo × Bestari was the tallest line and potential for medium depth swampland.  This line showed good overall agronomic performances and yielded relatively higher than the check variety, but delayed in attaining maturity. For shallow swampland, Hanafi Putih x Sidenuk exhibited the most potent line by having good overall agronomic and yield performances, except late in maturity.  For early maturing line, Lubuk Durian x Hanafi Putih showed its potential for shallow swampland. Although this line was not the best,  it showed better overall agronomic performances than the check variety.


Keywords: F4 lines,  growth and yield performance, rice landrace, swampland, plant maturity

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How to Cite
Chozin, M., Silalahi, S., Masdar, M., & Sumardi, S. (2019). Agronomic Performances of Rice Lines on Non-Tidal Swampland. Akta Agrosia, 22(1), 1–6.


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