Peningkatan Resiliensi Akademik Siswa melalui Konsep Diri dan Iklim Sekolah

Krisantus Minggu Kwen(1*), Vinsensius Crispinus Lemba(2)

(1) Program Studi Pendidikan Keagamaan Katolik, Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Reinha Larantuka
(2) Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Institut Keguruan dan Teknologi Larantuka
(*) Corresponding Author


Achieving learning outcomes requires students' readiness to overcome learning difficulties or challenges. This requires students' academic resilience abilities to face and process them into positive opportunities for self-development and achieving maximum learning outcomes. Apart from the student's personality, this ability requires environmental support.This research will prove whether or not there is an influence of self-concept and school climate on academic resilience.For this reason, the approach used is a quantitative ex post facto type and a causal research model. This research used a sample of 292 students at SMA Negeri 1 Larantuka. The sampling technique is proportionate random sampling. The research stages consist of determining the problem formulation, making a state of the art study to find elements of research novelty, carrying out data collection and analyzing the data, and drawing conclusions. The data collection instrument is a Likert scale questionnaire. Data analysis uses hypothesis testing. The findings of this research indicate that self-concept influences academic resilience, school climate influences academic resilience, and self-concept and school climate simultaneously influence academic resilience.


Konsep diri, iklim sekolah, resiliensi akademik

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