Peningkatan Pemahaman ‘Islamic Leadership’ untuk Pemuda Sumatera Utara

Muhammad Kaulan Karima, Ramadhani Ramadhani, Toni Nasution


ABSTRACT. The case for youth moral decadentism at this time is very
concerning, plus the condition of the nation is being deteriorated economically.
The morality of the younger generation is certainly very worried, because they
are the ones who will be the leaders of the nation in the future. In Islam,
leadership is one of the important elements, because the enforcement of justice is
impossible to achieve except with power/authority. Therefore, this devotion aims
to realize a strong, optimistic, intelligent, and religious young Islamic leader".
This type of qualitative research is descriptive. The results of this study found
that the perception of youth about Islamic leadership is indispensable in order to
optimize the development of human resources and smarten and solve the
problems of the nation's life in achieving a bright future, because it is the next
generation of youth who will fight for sustainability. Leaders must lead
according to islamic values such as having courage in problem solving,
encouraging change, showing example, honesty, maturity, loyalty, enthusiasm,
determination, conviction, responsibility, hard work, discipline, and wisdom.
Keywords: Islamic Leadership, Young Generation, North Sumatera

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