Psychobiotics: Deciphering its role in neuropsychiatry

Souvik Roy 1, *, Sanjana Banerjee 1, Pragyasree Bhowmick 1 and Lopamudra Choudhury 2

1 Postgraduate & Research Department of Biotechnology, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), 30, Mother Teresa Sarani, Kolkata – 700016, India.
2 Department of Microbiology, Sarsuna College (under Calcutta University), 4/HB/A, Ho-Chi-Minh Sarani, Sarsuna Upanagari, Kolkata – 700061, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 13(01), 457–464.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.13.1.0053
Publication history: 
Received on 12 December 2022; revised on 26 January 2023; accepted on 28 January 2023
Psychobiotics, a novel group of probiotics and prebiotics, are a relatively recent discovery, found to modulate central nervous system (CNS)-related functions and behaviors via neuronal, immunological, and metabolic pathways, thus improving not only gastrointestinal (GI) functions, but also suggesting strong antidepressant and anxiolytic potential. Scientists are moving closer to the possibility of treating mental and behavioral illnesses with advanced and cost-effective approaches, targeting dietary modifications in the form of “psychobiotic" supplements consisting of brain-benefiting bacteria, as they uncover more and more about the gut-brain axis. This review examines the relevant scientific work that has been generated so far, analyzing the efficacy of psychobiotic treatment in improving mental health and neuropsychiatric disorders, providing a complete assessment of its potential as an alternative therapy for psychiatric disorders and its future prospects in this domain.
Gut-brain axis; Mental health; Neuropsychiatric disorders; Prebiotics; Probiotics; Psychobiotics
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