


Volume 22, №4

Closed-form formulas, determinantal expressions, recursive relations, power series, and special values of several functions used in Clark–İsmail's two conjectures (pp.443-465)
Y.-F. Li1, D. Lim2,*, F. Qi1, 3, 4,*

1School of Mathematics and Informatics, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454010, Henan, China

2Department of Mathematics Education, Andong National University, Andong 36729, Republic of Korea

3School of Mathematics and Physics, Hulunbuir University, Inner Mongolia 021008, China

4Independent researcher, Dallas, TX 75252-8024, USA

Corresponding authors' e-mail:



Abstract. In the paper, by virtue of the famous formula of Faà di Bruno, with the aid of several identities of partial Bell polynomials, by means of a formula for derivatives of the ratio of two differentiable functions, and with availability of other techniques, the authors establish closed-form formulas in terms of the Bernoulli numbers and the second kind Stirling numbers, present determinantal expressions, derive recursive relations, obtain power series, and compute special values of the function vj/1−e−v, its derivatives, and related ones used in Clark–Ismail's two conjectures. By these results, the authors also discover a formula for the determinant of a Hessenberg matrix and derive logarithmic convexity of a sequence related to the function and its derivatives.


Keywords: Conjecture, Bell Polynomial of the Second Kind, Faà di Bruno Formula, Closed-Form Formula, Recursive Relation, Special Value, Exponential Function, Positivity, Stirling Number of the Second Kind, Power Series, Hessenberg Determinant, Bernoulli Number, Logarithmic Convexity.


AMS Subject Classification: 15A15, 26A24, 26A48, 26A51, 33B15, 44A10, 41A58.

COIA- 2024

27-29 August 2024
Istanbul, Turkey
