Hana Listi Fitriana, Sayidah Sulma, Nur Febrianti, Jalu Tejo Nugroho, Nanik Suryo Haryani


Green open space becomes critical in maintaining the balance of the environment and improving the quality of urban living for a healthy life. The use of remote sensing data for calculation of green open space has been done notably using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) method from Landsat 8 and SPOT data. This research aims to calculate the accuracy of the green open space classification from multispectral data of Landsat 8 and SPOT 6 using the NDVI methods. Green open space could be assessed from the value NDVI. The value of NDVI generated from Landsat 8 and SPOT 6’s Red and NIR channels. The accuracy of NDVI values is then examined by comparing with Pleiades data. Pleiades data which has 50 cm panchromatic resolution and 2 m multispectral with 4 bands (B, G, R, NIR) can precisely visualize objects. So, it can be used as the reference in the calculation of the green open space based on NDVI. The results of the accuracy testing of Landsat 8 and SPOT 6 image could be used to identify the green open space by using NDVI SPOT of 6 can increase the accuracy of 5.36% from Landsat 8.


green open space; NDVI; Remote sensing

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