Effects of Emotional Abuse on Attainment of Emotional Quotient, Adjustment Level and Reaction to Frustration

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Physiology, Jammu University, Jammu and Kashmir, India

2 Specialist Medical Officer, Calcutta, India


Background and aim: Emotional Abuse is when someone uses their emotions to control another person by criticizing, embarrassing, shaming, blaming, or manipulating another person. An emotional quotient is the ability to manage own emotions positively, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Adjustment is the process of adapting or becoming used to a new situation. Typical responses to frustration include anger, quitting, loss of self-esteem and self-confidence, stress, and depression. The present study was designed to study the effect of emotional abuse on emotional quotient, adjustment level, and reaction to frustration.
Material and methods: The present study was performed on 100 female subjects. Based on the emotional abuse level, the subjects were divided into five groups: very low, low level, moderate level, high level, and extremely high level of abuse. The parameters studied were emotional quotient, adjustment level, reaction to frustration (Aggression, Resignation, Fixation, and Regression).
Results: With the increase in emotional abuse, there was an increase in reaction to frustration and; a decrease in adjustment level and emotional quotient. Comparison between different groups for various parameters- emotional abuse, adjustment level, emotional quotient, and reaction to frustration exhibited statistically significant differences.
Conclusions: Emotional Abuse has a deteriorative effect on emotional well-being.


Main Subjects

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