  • 期刊


Study to the Literature of Chinese Language with Native Taiwan: Mythological Thought and Exploration in Aesthetics


九十年代台灣多元文化思潮漸起,在原住民作家與學者共同推波助澜之下,人口不及全臺灣百分之二,中文書寫剛起步的原住民筆隊,推出了堪稱原住民精神總動員的《山海文化》雜誌,號稱原住民文學創世紀的《台灣原住民漢語文學選集》,及源源而出的原住民文學系列等,以漢語書寫累積了足夠的質與量,展現一種與漢人文學截然不同的主題與視角,原住民質樸而具族群本色的書寫,不僅為台灣文學注入新成色,也因帶有生活實踐的意義,為原住民文化開創了新機。本文重點不在討論原住民文學中所反映的族群處境或權力論述,而擬回歸文學本位,從神話詩學與美學的角度,探討原住民文學的書寫特質。又因國內從神話詩學角度作相關的研究不多,故本文擬從原住民與漢人現代文學的比較基礎下,分就下列重點包括: 一、文學的原住民主義 二、原住民的「信仰構想」與崇祖思維 三、原住民文學的敘事特質 (一)自我意識與我說書寫 (二)疊影現象與神話式啟悟 (三)兆啟與神聖符碼 (四)超越寫實―與萬物精靈在一起 試對原住民文學的書寫特質進行統觀性的探討。至於原住民作家的個別性與殊異性,則有待後續論文作進一步的研究。


In Taiwan the pluralism has surged up since 1990, the International Native year. With the population below two percent of Taiwanese, the native writers, being in a baby walker unto Chinese narrative, had published of the Mountain and Sea magazine, might being rated a native spiritual general mobilization. This so-called genesis of native literature-”The anthology of Chinese literature with native Taiwan” and such a great surge in series on it has been up to enough number and quality in Chinese narrative. That presents an alternative theme and perspective to literature in Chinese and with its native plainness, natural and racial flavors they not only gives great light to the Taiwan literature also has a refreshing impact on the native culture with the very life-practicing narratives. In my proposal, it is not to be probed that the impending racial assimilation and powers allocation but the essence of literature comes to here-to probe the points of native literature narratives on a new perspective of poetics and aesthetics in myth. And now there don’t appear to have been any sufficient studies on it, thus, I give a synthetic comparison on the modern literature, that's between Chinese and native, according to the outline listed below: 1. The native-centric-ism of literature 2. Native's ”belief conception” and ”ancestral centricity” 3. The particular essences of native literature in narratives 1) self-consciousness and first-person narration 2) the phenomenon of infatuation with ancestors and overlapped shadow; revelation of the style of myth 3) revelation of omens; and sacred code 4) surrealism-seeing themselves as participants in a great natural order of life, being related to every other living species and their spirits On the other hand, I want to get the general peculiarities of native literature in view. It will not be until later on that the particularity and diverseness.




陳秀玲(2014)。張瀛太作品中之神話思維: 以「神話─原型批評」為研究框架〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2014.00266
