  • 期刊


Method for Precoding and Receiving Data under the Data-Exchanging Scenario in Wireless Communication Systems


多個使用者的多傳送與多接收天線技術,為近年來通訊用以提升通道總容量的主流研究領域之一。為了提昇傳輸速率、增加頻譜使用效率,基地台將使用多天線技術將已接收到的資料傳送給所要交換的用戶們,而要使用多天線傳送資料給多用戶需要有較好的前置編碼器才能有效的將資料傳送給不同用戶。 本文章的設計背景基於各使用者之間的資料相互溝通(例如:資料交換)的通訊環境下,提出有別於網路編碼(network coding)的技術來達到用戶間資料交換的目的。主要的方法為使用多用戶多天線技術來達到多用戶間資料交換的目的。有別於傳統多用戶多天線技術的設計,在多用戶間資料交換的通訊環境下,使用者的接收訊號會包含一部分的已知資訊,而目前尚未有針對此特性來設計多用戶多天線之前置編碼器的方式。本文章的重點在於利用個別用戶已知的部分資料(例如位元階級或調變階級的資料)的前提下,利用此已知資訊(例如在位元階級或調變階級的特性)來共同設計傳送端的多用戶多天線之前置編碼器或接收端之解碼器。


Multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) is one of the mostly noted techniques to increase channel sum capacity. To enhance throughput and increase the spectrum usage, BS should transmit data to proper users with multiple antenna. It's a MU-MIMO communication scenario. In MU-MIMO, the precoder has to be properly designed to achieve better transmission. The communication scenario is based on data-exchanging system, The received signal is partially known to each user. However, there is no precoding method designed that considers the important feature in data-communication scenario. In this paper, we will introduce design methods for precoding at transmitter and decoding at receiver, which are developed by considering the partially known information (in bit-level or symbol-level) of users' received signal.
