  • 期刊


Riddles, Persuasions, and Rituals: Philosophical Aspects and Historical Significance of the Chapter "Fu" in Xunzi




荀子 隱語 進諫 禮治思想 先秦儒家


In the history of Chinese Literature, there has been minimal discussion of the chapter "Fu" (Rhapsodies, 賦篇) in Xunzi. This paper aims to discuss the riddles ("yin yu" 隱語) in the chapter "Fu" from a philosophical perspective, explaining its features and its historical significance. Xunzi had a strong sense of self-consciousness as a Confucianist, and his works had been written in a style which shows great respect to the Confucian linguistics and literary tradition. He placed much emphasis on using literary classics, especially the Book of Odes (詩經), which shows his traditionalist viewpoint on linguistics and literature. However, Xunzi used such traditional style to write the riddles, which were lowly-regarded by cultural elites of that time, therefore making his rhapsodies unique. By analyzing and comparing Xunzi's riddles with various texts from the pre-Qin dynasty era, such as Strategies of the Warring States (戰國策), this paper aims to reveal that the chapter "Fu" shows a critical character of Xunzi's traditionalism: he respects traditions but is not adamant in upholding it. Instead, he kept up with the times, absorbed new knowledge to transform and recreate the tradition. Furthermore, this paper also attempts to place Xunzi and his school of thought in the political and ideological context of that time and concludes that the chapter "Fu" is a product based on Xunzi's persuasion technique theory(談說之術). Such a literary production met the tradition of Confucianism as well as the uprising new literary discourse during the Warring States Period, counterattacking criticisms others have for the Confucian classics.


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