A comorbid patient: rheumatoid arthritis and hypertension

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2020-03-05
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I. Bazina(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor O. Kozyrev(1), MD; M. Pavlova(1); D. Krechikova(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences; E. Mizyova(1); D. Pak(1); N. Petrunina(1) (1)Smolensk State Medical University (2)Departmental Hospital at the Smolensk Station, OAO «RZhD», Smolensk

Pathology of the cardiovascular system occupies the leading place in the structure of comorbid diseases. According to the data available in the literature, hypertension is noted in 60% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA); however, the relationship between RA activity and blood pressure levels has been insufficiently studied. The paper discusses the features of the course of hypertension in patients with RA, as well as the relationship between autoimmune inflammation and hypertension.

rheumatoid arthritis

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