Oshurko A. P.


About the author:

Oshurko A. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. X-ray densitometry has become one of the most advanced and diagnostically informative methods for studying bone density. Wide application and range of modifications regulate all possibilities in the study of complex morphological structures. Rehabilitation of patients with bone atrophy becomes impossible without assessing its density and, at the same time, is an important component in the diagnosis and planning of reconstructive surgery, in particular, predictability in the use of osteoplastic materials or osseointegration of dental implants. Aim. Explore the role of densitometric assessment in justifying the rehabilitation of patients with mandibular jawbone atrophy on the left side in people aged 25-75 years. Research methods. High-quality digital images were taken by Vatech PaX-i 3D Green extra-oral radiography system with a scanning size range of 16x9 cm, focal spot 0.5 mm (EC60336) 14-bit grayscale with a size of 0.2/0.3. Using the tools of the horizontal optional panel, in particular the «profile» interface keys, bone density was studied with interpretation in conventional grayness units (CGU) in the projection of 3.6, 3.7 teeth. Using nonparametric methods of statistical analysis, the experimental groups were compared with the control group using the Mann-Whitney U test. Comparison of groups by age – using the multidimensional the Kruskal– Wallis test as an alternative intergroup analysis of variance. Results and their discussion. The results of the densitometric determination indicate a decrease in bone density, with the loss of the masticatory teeth, in all the studied groups. A detailed analysis shows a decrease in the average value of M in the projections of missing 3.6 and 3.7 teeth with vertical (VP) and horizontal (HP) determination planes in three research groups. Presented values based on the average number of M of experimental (E) groups to the average number of the control group (C) are confirmed by the reliability of such results in vertical determination planes p<0,05. Value HP in projection 3.6 is characterized by high density in the experimental groups (E) and make up M=1096.3±30.13 with a decrease in it in the control group (C) to M=1008.4±33.44, the significance level is p=0,113. Value HP in the projection of the missing 3.7 teeth indicates a decrease in bone density, as in the experimental groups (E) - M=1053.3±31.89, and in the control group (C) - M=935.5±31.68, where the significance level is p=0,038. Such results of the densitometric study of bone density are increasingly fundamental in application in various medical branches of clinical practice. Conclusion. The cortical layer of bone tissue on the buccal side is primarily affected by etiopathological factors, even with preserved dentition rows. Bone remodeling primarily occurs on the endosteal surfaces. Bone density directly depends on the time of tooth loss and shows its variability in the age periods of ontogenetic development.


densitometry, lower jaw, bone atrophy, computed tomography.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (163), 2022 year, 235-240 pages, index UDK 616.716.4-007.23-031-073.7-073.432.19