Schukina O. S.


About the author:

Schukina O. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Possibilities for predicting the course of non-st segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NONST ACS) at the hospital stage are limited. Existing scales provide insufficient information on the prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with NON-ST ACS in the hospital phase. According to the latest recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology in 2020 additional laboratory biomarkers (highly sensitive C-reactive protein, regional pro-adrenomedulin, rupeptin) are not recommended for a routine use. Existing studies indicate that advanced glycation end products (AGEs) can be used as a new marker for short- and long-term prediction of coronary heart disease. The purpose of this study can be divided into identifying factors that affect the level of AGEs at the time of hospitalization in patients with NON-ST ACS, and study the possibility of predicting the hospital outcomes of NON-ST ACS by using AGEs. In addition to general clinical research methods, patients were examined by Holter ECG monitoring, determination of AGEs and ischemia-modified albumin on the 1st and 6th day of hospitalization. The study included patients with NON-ST ACS over the age of 18 who were hospitalized within the first three days of symptoms and signed the agreed to participate in the study. Patients with signs of other acute illnesses and / or decompensated chronic diseases were excluded. It was found that the level of AGEs does not depend on gender, hemodynamic parameters, ECG changes and the presence of acute left ventricular failure at the time of hospitalization. According to the results, patients older than 45 years tended to have a higher baseline AGEs level. Among the analyzed factors, an association between AGEs and low systolic blood pressure at the time of hospitalization was found. The study confirmed that elevated AGEs levels were associated with delayed ischemia in patients with NON-ST ACS. The delayed ischemia was confirmed by Holter ECG monitoring and elevated ischemiamodified albumin levels on 6th day of hospitalization.


acute coronary syndrome, advanced glycation end products, prognosis, hospital stage.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (163), 2022 year, 177-181 pages, index UDK 616.127