Nefodova О. О., Bylishko D. V., Shevchenko I. V., Нarets V. I., Ostretsova S. S., Halperin O. I.


About the author:

Nefodova О. О., Bylishko D. V., Shevchenko I. V., Нarets V. I., Ostretsova S. S., Halperin O. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The aim of the experimental study was to determine the morphogenetic patterns of formation of the effects of chronic isolated exposure of cadmium chloride/citrate and the combined effect of cadmium salts with germanium/selenium citrates on rat liver development. To simulate the effects of cadmium salts throughout pregnancy, female Wistar rats were injected daily per os through the probe with cadmium chloride or citrate in isolation at the same dose (1.0 mg/kg). In the groups of combined exposure to cadmium salts, selenium and germanium citrates were also administered in doses close to those that can enter the body from the environment. Liver development studies were determined on the 13th and 20th days of embryogenesis and the 10th day of postnatal development in rats. On the 13th day of rat embryogenesis in the group of exposure to cadmium chloride/citrate at the histological level were determined by changes in the structure of the liver: parenchymal compaction, connective tissue growth, connective tissue capsule stratification, sinusoids had local expansions with a high level of blood supply. On the 20th day of rat embryogenesis, in the hepatofetal index were determined such changes: when exposed to cadmium chloride, the index increased by 11.6% compared to the control group, and the effect of cadmium citrate had no significant difference with the control. A study of the mean values of the length of the side of the portal lobe and the diameter of the central vein on the 10th day of postnatal development of rats revealed , that exposure to cadmium chloride increased the diameter of the central vein by 23.15%, and the side of the portal lobe increased by an average of 37.29%. Exposure to cadmium citrate did not lead to changes in the size of the portal lobe of the liver,but the diameter of the central vein of the hepatic lobe increased almost twice (98.3%). With the combined introduction of cadmium salts with selenium and germanium citrates, the studied indicators approached the control,indicating their modifying effect on the hepatotoxicity of cadmium salts in an experiment on rats.


liver, rat embryo, cadmium, selenium, germanium.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 230-235 pages, index UDK 616.36-008:546.48:591.3