
This study aims to examine whether listeners perceive gradually-increasing durations of a Korean fricative /s/ categorically (i.e., ‘fluent’ vs. ‘abnormally disfluent or stuttered’) or continuously (i.e., gradient perception from fluent to stuttered). Gender differences are also investigated. Fifty participants (25 males and 25 females) have been asked to rate the duration of the /s/ in the word san ‘mountain’ produced by a normally fluent Korean speaker. The target word has been embedded in the middle of an experimental phrase, and the initial /s/ sound has been manipulated to create a range of prolonged sounds (i.e., 0 ms to 400 ms by 20-ms increments). The result suggests that listeners perceive the range of sounds continuously, rather than categorically, but this interpretation is not so definite. Also, a significant gender difference is found only for the sound of 265ms (i.e., a sound elongated by 60ms from the original, unaltered sound), which suggests that over all there is little gender difference in perception of prolonged sounds.


말더듬, 말소리연장, 범주적 지각, 연속적 지각, 한국어 평마찰음 ‘ㅅ’


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