Agricultural Researchers' Attitudes Toward Open Access and Data Sharing


  • Sarah C Williams
  • Shannon L Farrell
  • Erin E Kerby
  • Megan Kocher



This study involved a thorough examination of attitudes and opinions of agricultural researchers toward open access publishing and data sharing. Utilizing the results of the Ithaka S+R Agriculture Research Support Services project, we reanalyzed our institutional interview transcripts and synthesized information from the project's publicly available reports. For comparison, we also searched and coded scientific and library literature. Our findings reveal common attitudes related to open access publishing and data sharing and point to potential roles for libraries to help address common impediments, such as lack of trust, time, and money. Overall, this study provides disciplinary context that can inform how librarians approach agricultural researchers about open access publishing and data sharing.


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Author Biographies

Sarah C Williams

Head, Funk ACES Library
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois

Shannon L Farrell

Natural Resources Librarian
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Erin E Kerby

Veterinary Medicine & Life Sciences Librarian
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Megan Kocher

Science Librarian
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota


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How to Cite

Williams, S. C., Farrell, S. L., Kerby, E. E., & Kocher, M. (2019). Agricultural Researchers’ Attitudes Toward Open Access and Data Sharing. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (91).



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