l-Cysteinium…l-cysteine phosphite

(being prepared for publication)

  • DOI 10.26902/JSC_id128209
  • Views: 70
© Ghazaryan V.V.1, Giester G.2, Minkov V.S.3, Болдырева Е.В.4,5 , Petrosyan A.M.2
1 Institute of Applied Problems of Physics, NAS of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2 Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
3 Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Germany
4 Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
5 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia

In the system l-cysteine-H3PO3-H2O, a new salt with a dimeric cation, (l-CysH···l-Cys)(H2PO3), has been obtained. The compound exhibits incongruent solubility and is synthesized using an equimolar ratio of l-cysteine and phosphorous acid. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P212121. The dimeric (l-CysH···l-Cys) cation is formed due to a strong O-H···O hydrogen bond with an O···O distance of 2.498 (2) Å. Phosphite anions in the structure are linked to infinite chains. An IR spectrum is recorded and discussed based on its structure.

Keywords: Phosphite; L-Cysteine; Crystal structure; Dimeric cation; Infrared spectra

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