Review Article

DOI :10.26650/SP2018-0021   IUP :10.26650/SP2018-0021    Full Text (PDF)

Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology

Sinem SöylemezMehmet KoyuncuSonia Amado

Shame and guilt, which are classified as social emotions, are evaluated like a warning signal or a physiological punishment that regulates behavior during a social exclusion danger. These emotions play a key role in many psychological issues and are closely related to cognitive psychology. Besides the functions of shame and guilt in daily life, their adaptive and physiological characteristics, evolutionary features, and neurological structures draw attention to the relationship between these emotions and cognitive structures. However, in existing studies of cognitive psychology, these emotions have not been processed as extensively as basic emotions. In this review, shame and guilt emotions are introduced and their relation with cognitive psychology is tried to be emphasized. The literature reports that these emotions differ from basic emotions and from each other. Evolutionary sources are used to emphasize the importance of the feelings of shame and guilt and understand the functions they possess. Neurocognitive resources are utilized to evaluate the relation of these emotions with cognition on the basis of their extensions in the brain. At the end of the review, existing studies on shame and guilt in cognitive psychology are addressed. A brief summary about which subjects in relation to these emotions have been studied in Turkey in relation to these emotions is presented. This review concludes that a comprehensive approach needs to be adapted in future studies while discussing shame and guilt by considering cognitive properties of these emotions.
DOI :10.26650/SP2018-0021   IUP :10.26650/SP2018-0021    Full Text (PDF)

Utanç ve Suçluluk Duygularının Bilişsel Psikoloji Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi

Sinem SöylemezMehmet KoyuncuSonia Amado

Sosyal duygular olarak sınıflandırılan utanç ve suçluluk, toplumdan dışlanma tehlikesi içeren durumlarda kişinin davranışlarını düzenleyen uyarıcı sinyal veya fizyolojik bir ceza olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Birçok patolojide rol sahibi olan bu duygular bilişle yakın bir ilişkiye sahiptir. Hem günlük hayattaki işlevleri, uyumsal ve fizyolojik özellikleri hem de sahip oldukları evrimsel özellikleri ve nörobilişsel yapıları utanç ve suçluluk duygularının bilişsel yapılarla olan ilişkisine dikkat çekmektedir. Bununla birlikte, mevcut çalışmalarda bu duyguların bilişsel etkileri bakımından temel duygular kadar ele alınmadığı görülmektedir. Bu derleme çalışmasında utanç ve suçluluk duygularının tanıtılması ve bilişsel psikoloji alanı için öneminin vurgulanması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu amaçla, öncelikle mevcut alanyazın çerçevesinde söz konusu duyguların temel duygulardan ve birbirlerinden nasıl farklılaştıklarından bahsedilmiştir. Sonrasında ise, utanç ve suçluluk duygularının önemini vurgulamak ve sahip oldukları işlevleri anlamak adına evrimsel kaynaklardan faydalanılmıştır. Bu duyguların bilişle ilişkisini beyinde sahip oldukları uzantılar temelinde değerlendirmek üzere ise konuyla ilgili mevcut nörobilişsel çalışmalardan faydalanılmıştır. Derlemenin sonunda ise, bilişsel psikoloji alanında konuyla ilgili ele alınan örnek çalışmalar değerlendirilmiş ve bu duyguların Türkiye’de psikolojinin hangi konularıyla ilişkili olarak ele alındığının kısa bir özeti sunulmuştur. Bu derleme çalışmasının utanç ve suçluluk duygularını ele alacak sonraki çalışmalarda daha kapsamlı bir yaklaşım sergilenmesi ve söz konusu duyguların bilişsel özelliklerinin daha fazla göz önünde bulundurulması açısından katkı sağlaması umut edilmektedir.


This review aims to introduce shame and guilt in an extensive manner and emphasize their importance in the scope of cognitive psychology. For this purpose, these emotions are detailed from different perspectives. These emotions appear as a reaction when people believe that they violate a rule settled by others. Thus, shame and guilt are social emotions because they are felt against someone else living together in society (Gilbert, 2003). These emotions also affect cognitive functions, such as perspective taking, decision making, and problem solving abilities. Although their effects on behavior and cognitive structures have been studied in clinical and developmental fields of psychology, they have not attracted the same attention in cognitive psychology. However, to explain the reflections they have on observable behaviors, their relation to cognition must be clarified. 

Fundemental properties cause shame and guilt to differ from basic emotions. Basic emotions emerge as a reflex in the first year of life, whereas shame and guilt require selfconcept development as a precondition to appear. Accordingly, late development of these emotions is described in terms of their functions in social life and their connection to culture. At this point, self-dependent nature and social characteristics of them may define shame and guilt as social emotions. These emotions are also defined as moral emotions because they motivate people to behave in accordance with social rules in society. However, social rules are not same in every culture; therefore, situations that trigger shame and guilt may differ across cultures. In addition, differentiation of shame and guilt from each other should receive considerable critical attention. Although these emotions are often used interchangeably, shame and guilt differ from each other in terms of the destructive nature of shame and the constructive nature of guilt. Self-behavior distiction is emphasized as the main reason why these emotions are related to different characteristics (Lewis, 1971). Likewise, Tracy, and Robins (2004) presented attribution theory, which identifies selfbehavior distinction as the main underlying reason of different outputs of shame and guilt. Shame is elicited by attributing experienced negative events to self, whereas guilt is experienced by attributing this event to a specific behavior. Attributing a negative event to self is more damaging than linking it with current behavior. Shame and guilt are evaluated based on both state and trait levels. While proneness to these emotions is described as a tendency to experience specific emotions in response to various events (Tangney, 1995), state of shame and guilt is described as feelings at the time of events happening (Tangney, Stuewig, & Mashek, 2007). These distinct levels, proneness and state, are thought to affect cognition differently. Nonoverlapping findings for proneness and state levels of shame and guilt show the necessity to consider both levels while evaluating these emotions. Available evolutionary and neurocognitive resources also point out the cognitive aspect of shame and guilt. The evolutionary approach asserts that the function of shame and guilt is to maintain one’s social status in society rather than to ensure survival. Kemeny, Gruenewald, and Dickerson (2004) supported this assertion with the concept of social self-preservation system. They claimed that shame and guilt capture possible danger to the social self in the environment and provide appropriate psychological, physiological, and behavioral responses. Besides, the neurocognitive findings about shame and guilt bring extensions in some brain regions into consideration. Although the aforementioned studies point to the multifaceted relationship of shame and guilt with cognitive psychology, studies on shame and guilt in this field are limited. Even though these few studies in cognitive psychology partially support the current literature (e.g., shame has damaging influence, whereas guilt has beneficial influence), the results are inconsistent across studies and methodological problems need to be addressed. A brief summary is provided about which topics have been studied in relation to shame and guilt emotions in Turkey. In light of the provided examples, shame and guilt have remarkable roles in other fields of psychology. Therefore, cognitive influences of shame and guilt may be discovered in future studies, and underlying mechanisms of behavior may be elucidated. In this way, other fields of psychology can make reasonable inferences about the possible relation of shame and guilt with many other psychological topics. Such inferences indicate increased opportunities of more appropriate treatment and preservation programs for shame or guilt based issues. 

In summary, this review calls attention to the cognitive aspect of shame and guilt, which are considerable emotions for psychology, and serves as an alternative and essential development in the discovery of behavior and cognition.

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Söylemez, S., Koyuncu, M., & Amado, S. (2018). Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology. Studies in Psychology, 38(2), 259-288.


Söylemez S, Koyuncu M, Amado S. Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology. Studies in Psychology. 2018;38(2):259-288.


Söylemez, S.; Koyuncu, M.; Amado, S. Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology. Studies in Psychology, [Publisher Location], v. 38, n. 2, p. 259-288, 2018.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Söylemez, Sinem, and Mehmet Koyuncu and Sonia Amado. 2018. “Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology.” Studies in Psychology 38, no. 2: 259-288.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Söylemez, Sinem, and Mehmet Koyuncu and Sonia Amado. Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology.” Studies in Psychology 38, no. 2 (Jun. 2024): 259-288.

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Söylemez, S & Koyuncu, M & Amado, S 2018, 'Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology', Studies in Psychology, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 259-288, viewed 9 Jun. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Söylemez, S. and Koyuncu, M. and Amado, S. (2018) ‘Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology’, Studies in Psychology, 38(2), pp. 259-288. (9 Jun. 2024).


Söylemez, Sinem, and Mehmet Koyuncu and Sonia Amado. Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology.” Studies in Psychology, vol. 38, no. 2, 2018, pp. 259-288. [Database Container],


Söylemez S, Koyuncu M, Amado S. Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology. Studies in Psychology [Internet]. 9 Jun. 2024 [cited 9 Jun. 2024];38(2):259-288. Available from: doi: 10.26650/SP2018-0021


Söylemez, Sinem - Koyuncu, Mehmet - Amado, Sonia. Evaluation of Shame and Guilt Emotions in the Scope of Cognitive Psychology”. Studies in Psychology 38/2 (Jun. 2024): 259-288.




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