
This study analyzed the conditions required to create a valid ‘zhidao(知 道)+le(了)+O’ structure and the function of each component of the sentences created with the ‘zhidao(知道)+le(了)+O’ structure. For the ‘zhidao(知道)+le (了)+O’ structure to be valid, the following conditions should be met: first, there must be an auxiliary component when the object of ‘zhidao(知道)’ is a definite noun. Second, when the purpose of ‘zhidao(知道)’ is a full sentence, that sentence must be a correct sentence. Also, the ‘zhidao(知道)+le(了)+O’ structure is valid because ‘zhidao(知道)’ undergoes aspect combination with a preceding auxiliary component or object (if there is only one object in the sentence) to convert from an individual level state (ILS) verb to a situation type similar to an achievement verb. As ‘zhidao(知道)’ returns to a permanent state after an instant change, however, the perfective aspect function of ‘le(了)’ is considered different from the perfective aspect function it shows when combined with other ordinary verbs. The perfective aspect of ‘le(了)’ in the ‘zhidao(知道)+le(了)+O’ structure or after combination with an achievement verb such as ‘si(死)’ is a weakened aspect marker already much grammaticalized and may have developed the meaning of past tense or modality through the grammaticalization process.


cognitive verb, zhidao, perfective, le, situation aspect, aspectual shift, generalization


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