Dataset Restricted Access

Multispectral Imaging of Manuscript Nuremberg, Stadtbibliothek, Fragm. lat. 9a

Shevchuk, Ivan; Huskin, Kyle Ann; Janke, Andreas

Multispectral imaging of this set of music fragments (Nuremberg, Stadtbibliothek fragm. lat. 9a) was performed between February 10 and 14, 2020, at the Stadtbibliothek in Nuremberg and subsequently processed.

The research for this publication was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2176 'Understanding Written Artefacts: Material, Interaction and Transmission in Manuscript Cultures', project no. 390893796. The research is part of project RFA08 and was conducted within the scope of the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) at Universität Hamburg.
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***Open access publication of this data set is scheduled for 2024***

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