


Ключові слова:

management, risk, social responsibility, corporations, management repor


Urgency of the research. In today's economic environment uncertainty and risk overwhelm any business. A large number of risks are inherent in socially responsible business, which necessitates the need for enhanced monitoring and management, the effectiveness of the risk management system and requires finding new directions for its development. Target setting. Satisfaction of stakeholders' information interests necessitates research of the current state of the risk management system of large companies, their standardization, disclosure of risks in the reporting of socially responsible business. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The research of problematic issues regarding risk management of the activity of economic entities was carried out by such scientists as A. P. Algin, P. Y. Atamas, I. T. Balabanov, I. A. Blank, V. V. Vitlinskyy, L. V. Hnylytska, B. A. Zasadnyi, A. B. Kaminsky, T. M. Korolyuk, G. V. Savitska, A. E. Shevelev, O. V. Sheveleva, A. D. Sheremet, O. I. Yastremskii. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Comprehensive research requires the standardization of risk management as well as the creation of an information resource on risk management of socially responsible business for stakeholders. The research objective. Analysis of the annual reports of socially responsible companies (on the example of enterprises of agro-industrial complex) will enable to identify the risks inherent in their activities, methods of managing them as well as to establish the extent to which the issue of quantifying the negative effects of risks and opportunities can be identified. The statement of basic materials. This article analyzes the state and trends of risk management development of socially responsible business, establishes an insufficient level of presenting information on risk in the reporting of agribusiness companies and low degree of communicating information to stakeholders on quantifying the impact of risks and opportunities. Conclusions. Suggestions to increase the effectiveness of the risk management system of socially responsible companies through international risk management certification are made. The directions of development of the risk management system in terms of quantitative measurement of the consequences of risks and opportunities with the purpose of meeting the information needs of stakeholders have been identified.

Біографії авторів

Serhii Fedorovich Lehenchuk, Department of Accounting and Auditing, State University «Zhytomyr Polytechnic»

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head

Iryna Mykolayivna Vygivska, Department of Accounting and Auditing, State University «Zhytomyr Polytechnic»

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Tatiana Petrivna Barchak, State University «Zhytomyr Polytechnic»

Postgraduate Department of Accounting and Auditing


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Як цитувати

Lehenchuk, S. F., Vygivska, I. M., & Barchak, T. P. (2021). ПРОБЛЕМИ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧННЯ УПРАВЛІННЯ РИЗИКАМИ СОЦІАЛЬНО ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНИХ КОРПОРАЦІЙ. Науковий вісник Полісся, (1(20), 92–103. https://doi.org/10.25140/2410-9576-2020-2-1(20)-92-103

