Ubiquitous Learning and the Future of Teaching

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Nicholas C Burbules


This essay examines the implications of anywhere/anytime, or “ubiquitous” learning for rethinking teaching as an activity. The essay touches on the following themes: (1) changes that promote learning as a more continuous process integrated into the flow of human activities; (2) changes that promote learning as a more situated and contextual process; (3) changes that promote more reflective learning; (4) changes that promote more collaborative learning; (5) changes that promote teaching in more of a partnership model with learners; (6) changes that integrate formal learning, informal learning, and situated, experiential learning; (7) changes that promote new relations with other partners in the learning process – parents, workplaces, and so on; and (8) changes that promote ubiquitous learning opportunities for teachers themselves. Each of these changes constitutes a set of opportunities, and challenges, for teaching and learning in new ways. The essay concludes with some brief observations about the implications of these changes for the professional training and development of teachers.

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Parte I La formación de los educadores en la intersección del aprendizaje ubicuo, el cosmopolitismo y la indigeneidad