INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION DUE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE AGROTECHNOLOGIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
variety / agricultural technologies / irrigation / fertilizers / plant protection

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Timokhin A., Boiko V.

Realization of the high genetic potential of new varieties of agricultural crops is possible only by optimizing the growing conditions. In the Omsk region, the volume of fertilizers used increases every year, but also remains insufficient 10 kg of active ingredient per hectare of arable land. Mineral and organic fertilizers are effective on any crops and soils, including when using foliar dressings with various macro-, microelements and organic acids in addition to the main application. Irrigation is a reserve for stabilizing agricultural production not only in our region, but also in the Russian Federation. Optimization of the conditions for mineral nutrition loses its relevance with a negligent attitude to protective measures. Herbicidal cultivation of crops in the region takes place practically over the entire cultivated area. The increase in the share of rapeseed in the structure of arable land use and the spread of various diseases of agricultural crops led to an increase in insecticidal and fungicidal treatments of crops. In such conditions, special attention should be paid to the selection of varieties with complex resistance, as well as to the use of high-quality chemicals, which makes it possible to several times reduce the number of treatments and reduce the pesticide load on agricultural landscapes.

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Timokhin A.,

Cand. Sci. (Agr.) FSBSI "OmskASC" Omsk, Russian Federation Boiko V. Dr. Sci. (Agr.) FSBSI "OmskASC" Omsk, Russian Federation


Realization of the high genetic potential of new varieties of agricultural crops is possible only by optimizing the growing conditions. In the Omsk region, the volume of fertilizers used increases every year, but also remains insufficient - 10 kg of active ingredient per hectare of arable land. Mineral and organic fertilizers are effective on any crops and soils, including when using foliar dressings with various macro-, microelements and organic acids in addition to the main application. Irrigation is a reserve for stabilizing agricultural production not only in our region, but also in the Russian Federation. Optimization of the conditions for mineral nutrition loses its relevance with a negligent attitude to protective measures. Herbicidal cultivation of crops in the region takes place practically over the entire cultivated area. The increase in the share of rapeseed in the structure of arable land use and the spread of various diseases of agricultural crops led to an increase in insecticidal and fungicidal treatments of crops. In such conditions, special attention should be paid to the selection of varieties with complex resistance, as well as to the use of high-quality chemicals, which makes it possible to several times reduce the number of treatments and reduce the pesticide load on agricultural landscapes.

Keywords: variety, agricultural technologies, irrigation, fertilizers, plant protection.

According to FAO, the world's population will reach 8 billion by 2024, and by 2050 it will exceed 9 billion, according to the most conservative estimates. In such conditions, providing the population with food is of primary importance and is determined by the stability of agricultural production, including crop production. Given the high export orientation, the Omsk region will take a significant place in these global processes. 2,00 1,80 1,60 1,40 1,20 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40

The efficiency of crop production is determined by many factors. Some of them are adjustable, some are not. The main thing is the supply of heat and moisture during the growing season, which is characterized by the hydrothermal coefficient. Over the past 40 years, this indicator in the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region varied within significant limits - from 0.48 to 1.78, not to mention the uneven supply of heat and moisture during the growing season (Pic. 1).



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Pic.1. Characteristics of heat and moisture supply of growing seasons in the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region (according to the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Omsk ASC")

In such conditions, irrigation is a reserve for stabilizing agricultural production not only in our region, but also in the Russian Federation. However, at present, irrigation is used insignificantly, despite the presence of fresh water sources, as well as the preserved hydraulic infrastructure, albeit requiring modernization [1, 2]. In world practice, irrigation is one of the main land reclamation methods for increasing the natural potential of agricultural lands and increasing soil fertility.

The range of cultivated crops in our region is extensive. It should be noted that an underestimated crop is winter wheat, which is superior in productivity to spring wheat and allows to reduce the load on technical means during the sowing and harvesting campaigns [3].

Agricultural producers in our region are fully provided with varieties of the main crops. Scientists of sci-

entific institutions and universities create adaptive varieties adapted to the specific conditions of the region, including with the help of modern methods of marker selection [4].

It is possible to reveal the high genetic potential of such varieties only by optimizing the growing conditions. The Russian Federation is one of the world leaders in the production of mineral fertilizers, however, unlike China, it exports most of it to other countries (Pic. 2). In the Omsk region, the volume of applied fertilizers increases every year, but also remains insufficient - 10 kg of ae. per hectare of arable land. Mineral and organic fertilizers are effective on any crops and soils, including when using foliar dressings with various macro-, microelements and organic acids in addition to the main application [5-8].

Pic.2. Production of mineral fertilizers in the Russian Federation in 2019 (According to Federal State Statistics Service, Research Institute of Technical and Economic Research in the Chemical Complex)

In the future, an increase in the efficiency of the use of fertilizers in precision farming systems will occur due to the identification of soil heterogeneity. These methods continue to be improved due to various indices, modern software components, which must be combined with field research, tied to specific soil and climatic conditions and crops [9, 10]. Such technologies are increasingly being used in practical agriculture.

Table 1

The use of plant protection chemicals in agriculture in the Omsk region, 1995-2020 (according to the Federal __State Budgetary Institution "Russian Agricultural Center")_

Year Phytomonitoring (inspect), thousand ha Processed, thousand ha

herbicides fungicides insecticides

2015 3527 2005 135 148

2016 3732 2137 133 282

2017 3800 2502 565 402

2018 3603 2279 564 559

2019 3531 2382 496 620

2020 3650 1842 360 456

However, the optimization of the conditions of mineral nutrition loses its relevance with a negligent attitude towards protective measures. The use of herbicides in the Omsk region occurs practically over the entire cultivated area (table 1).

The increase in the share of rapeseed in the structure of arable land use and the spread of various diseases of agricultural crops led to an increase in the use of insecticides and fungicides in crops. In such conditions, special attention should be paid to the selection of varieties with complex resistance, as well as to the use of high-quality chemicals, which allows several times to reduce the number of treatments and reduce the pesticide impact on agricultural landscapes.

In organic farming systems, biological preparations for plant nutrition and protection will be of high relevance. However, their action is not stable in different years in comparison with chemical preparations and requires further study.

The level of technology development currently leads to an increase in the use of agrodrones, both in small farms and in large agricultural holdings in our country. These technologies are being improved and, in addition to highly efficient machines, are able to solve local problems of using pesticides in later growing seasons to reduce mechanical damage to plants.

The presented elements of modern agricultural technologies are aimed at achieving the tasks presented in the Development Program of the agro-industrial complex of the Omsk region, such as increasing the gross grain harvest to 4 million tons, increasing the export of highly profitable crops and preserving the fertility of zonal soils, which are a unique natural heritage and the main means of agricultural production.


1. Timokhin A.Yu., Boiko V.S. Leguminous crops in the irrigated agrocenosis system: monograph. Omsk: FSBSI "Omsk ASC", 2021. 164 p. [Published in Russian]

2. Boiko V.S., Timokhin A.Yu. Actual state and prospects of redevelopment of irrigated lands of Omsk region // Melioration and Water Management. 2020. № 4. P. 11-18. [Published in Russian]

3. Pershina L.A., Belova L.I., Trubacheeva N.V., Osadchaya T.S., Shumny V.K., Belan I.A., Rosseeva L.P., Nemchenko V.V., Abakumov S.N. Alloplasmic recombinant lines (H. vulgare)-T. aestivum with

1RS.1BL translocation: initial genotypes for production of common wheat varieties // Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2018. T 22. № 5. C 544-552. DOI: 10.18699/VJ18.393

4. The system of adaptive farming in the Omsk region. FSBSI "Omsk ASC". Omsk, 2020. 522 p. [Published in Russian]

5. Korchagina I.A., Trubina N.K., Yushkevich L.V., Lomanovsky A.V. Economic efficiency of fungicide application on spring wheat in the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. International Conference. Stavropol, 2021. P. 12023.

DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/745/1/012023

6. Boiko V.S., Timokhin A.Yu. Cultivation of millet mixed with rapeseed for forage in the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia // Zemledelie. 2021. № 1. 31-36 p. DOI: 10.24411/0044-3913-2021-10108 [Published in Russian]

7. Kiryushin V.I. The management of soil fertility and productivity of agrocenoses in adaptive-landscape farming systems // Eurasian Soil Science. 2019. V. 52. № 9. P. 1137-1145. DOI: 10.1134/S1064229319070068

8. Khramtsov I.F., Chekusov M.S., Voronkova N.A., Balabanova N.F., Volkova V.A. Agroecological assessment of long-term fertilizers application on chernozem soil in Western Siberia // Plodorodie. 2021. № 3 (120) P. 104-107. DOI: 10.25680/S19948603.2021.120.20 [Published in Russian]

9. Shayakhmetov M.R., Gindemit A.M., Makenova S.K., Balukov M.S., Bezukladov I.V., Su-leimanov R.R. Monitoring and mapping of topsoil based on space-time analysis // Omsk State Agrarian University Bulletin. 2021. №1. P. 68-75. DOI: 10.48136/2222-0364_2021_1_68 [Published in Russian]

10.Kalichkin V.K., Pavlova A.I. Geoinformation systems in agronomy. Novosibirsk: Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018. 347 p. [Published in Russian]

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